Ryan Litt

3AM Innovations, COO & Co-founder

Speaker Bio

Ryan Litt is COO and Co-founder of 3AM Innovations, a company dedicated to empowering first responders with data they can use to save lives... including their own!

Ryan earned his Bachelor's in Computer Science and certifications in project management from University at Buffalo. He also graduated from Silicon Valley Product Group, I-CORPS, Urban-X and Growth-X accelerators.

Previously, Ryan held positions in product development and business leadership, overseeing 70+ person departments, a $30M portfolio, and 3 company acquisitions.

Now, as Chief Operating Officer at 3AM Innovations, he oversees business strategy, day-to-day operations, product development, and customer deployments (including large fire departments like Philadelphia Fire and large events like the Super Bowl).

In between, he toured the US with his rockband and started a family. Ryan is a Buffalo native and 15 year season ticket holder for the Buffalo Bills!